While you are not bound to any particular presentation format we like the “Situation, Complication, Solution” approach as it is succinct and structured.

Situation – where are we now?

“For a long time we have been…”

Start by telling your audience something about the world you are working in. This helps establish relevance. Highlight the problem you are addressing – the reality, pictures, statistics, stories. You now have an opening for the complication.

The Complication – what is the underlying problem?

“Recently the situation has changed…”

What happened next? The complication creates tension in the story you are telling. It explains the challenge your seek to address.

Typical complications: “a structural barrier stopping us performing the task”, “something was missing from previous attempts” or “the action previously taken didn’t work”.

You must clearly highlight the problem that you are attempting to solve and for whom.

We need to…”

The Solution to the Complication is the substance of your main point. Summarise it first – then break it down into the highlights of your solution.

This is where you explain what you do or have done already and what you plan to do. (We distribute solar lamps in off grid areas of Bihar; we are developing a new financial product that solves a particular problem.)

Remember, the Stephen Lloyd Awards are about supporting the development of innovative ways of meeting social need that are practical, scalable and sustainable.